Grupo Empresarial Argos has 524 job vacancies available

7 April 2022
  • Most of the calls are distributed between the departments of Antioquia and Valle del Cauca
  • Among the job opportunities for Grupo Argos, Cementos Argos, Celsia, Odinsa and Summa, vacancies to lead investment projects, implement and manage solutions in telecommunications networks, among others, stand out.
  • The organization is making decisive progress in developing inclusive selection processes to increase female participation in its talent matrix.

Those interested can learn about job vacancies, apply and upload their resume at Of the 524 employment opportunities, 156 correspond to positions for apprentices and interns, 78 to temporary positions and 290 with direct hiring to the Business Group, allowing them the possibility of joining the more than 13,000 employees of the organization.

With the purpose of strengthening female leadership, the organization has inclusive selection processes to engage women in jobs that they have not historically performed in industries such as cement or energy. To date, Cementos Argos has more than 60 mixer truck drivers in the United States and Colombia, while Celsia makes the mandatory inclusion of women finalists in the selection processes for positions such as electricians and linemen.