The Argos Business Group has planted nearly 8 million native trees in the country and has restored 7 thousand hectares of forest in 5 years

4 February 2021
  • As part of the commitment to the conservation and protection of strategic ecosystems, the Argos Business Group reached 7,837,000 native trees planted in the country in January 2021.
  • Plantings have been carried out in Valle del Cauca, Antioquia, Tolima, Atlántico, Bolívar, Sucre and Córdoba.

The organization has led initiatives and alliances with government entities and communities to execute projects such as the alliance for conservation, restoration and ecosystem regeneration in the Cartama Province in Antioquia with Corantioquia and Biosuroeste, for comprehensive management of watersheds in this region; Celsia’s ReverdeC program in Valle del Cauca and Tolima, which to date has planted 5.7 million trees; and the Grupo Argos Foundation programs with which conservation and sustainable production processes have been generated in Río Claro (Antioquia), Tolima and the Canal del Dique, achieving the conservation of almost 4,000 hectares with sustainable production agreements with the communities.

“More than large plantings, represented by nearly 8 million trees, this initiative translates into an enormous generation of social value for the communities, because in addition to contributing to the care of the hydrographic basins and the care of the air, we generate employment and education. environment in the territories.

Jorge Mario Velásquez
CEO Grupo Empresarial Argos

The efforts of Grupo Argos and its companies Cementos Argos, Celsia, Odinsa and the Grupo Argos Foundation represent a relevant contribution to the Sembrar Nos Une program of the National Government, which seeks to plant 180 million trees by 2022. Since 2016, the The organization has invested more than COP 23 billion in the restoration of strategic ecosystems that will generate ecological connectivity and that will help recover environmental services such as carbon sequestration, water availability and regulation.